New Flood Elevation Estimator Tool for Duchesne County
Duchesne County continues to work with the Utah Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Administration in as these agencies progress in their study of the County's floodplain. While the ultimate goal of flood insurance rate maps, or FIRMs, is still several years away, the results from their mapping efforts has led Duchesne County to develop an online tool to estimate base flood elevation levels within the 1% annual-chance (or 100-year) floodplain.
All land use applicants and building permit applicants can now use this tool should they desire to develop in the 1% annual-chance floodplain. Duchesne County does require a floodplain development permit for any proposed structure built or land use in the 1% annual-chance floodplain, and the results from the base flood elevation estimator tool is a required to determine if the structure or land use would require flood mitigation.
The water surface elevation level tool can be found here:
Duchesne County Water Surface Elevation Level Tool
It can also be found on Duchesne County's Floodplain Management webpage here:
Duchesne County Floodplain Management
For more information, please contact Mike Gottfredson at (435) 738-1135, or