Draft Energy Development Heavy Haul Traffic Study
Duchesne County hired Jones and DeMille Engineering in spring 2024 to conduct a study on the effects of heavy haul traffic generated by energy production on the County's transportation infrastructure. A draft summary of their analysis, findings, and solutions can be found at the link provided.
Highlights of the study are:
- Analysis based on AASHTO 1993 Road Test Method for Pavement Design
- Data collected from energy producers, AI analysis of roadway conditions, FHWA and UDOT cost indexes, and roadway cores indicating pavement depth and base materials.
- Findings
- Cost to Replace the Average Mile of Paved County Road (2024) = $1,767,000
- Cost of Average Mile of Graveled County Road (2024) = $141,360
- Rate of Reduced Service Life of Average Impacted County Road per Well = 2.3%
- Preliminary Paved and Gravel Road Formulas for the Roadway Cost from Energy Development Traffic Were Generated
For further information regarding energy production in Duchesne County, please contact Shon McKinnon, Duchesne County Zoning Specialist, at (435) 738-1550, or shon@duchesne.utah.gov.