Geodatabase / Shapefile Downloads
Duchesne County is now providing an online subscription service which allows for the downloading of our Geodatabase and Shapefiles. This service has a fee of $600.00 and is a one-time payment, giving you access for the entire calendar year. If the account is created after the end of January, the fee will be adjusted accordingly based on the remaining months left in the year. Updated Geodatabase and Shapefile data will be uploaded on the first of every month. While the subscription is active, you will be able to access and download the files as many times as you need with no additional charge. If you are interested in gaining access to our Geodatabase/Shapefile services please download our contract from the link below and email it to or If you have any further questions about our online services, you can contact Shelley Brennan at (435)738-1161 or Sherry Verduzco at (435) 738-1121 or at the emails listed above.