The Duchesne County Commissioners are the general administrative body for county government. They are the county government taxing, budgeting, appropriating, and purchasing authority. They hold title to county property. Commissioners also have a myriad of other responsibilities including hearing and ruling on annexations, road vacations, approving drainage improvements through the petition ditch process, establishing water and sewer districts and making improvements, providing for solid waste disposal, and approving tax abatements.
Traci Herrera
The Duchesne County Assessor’s Office is responsible for assessing the taxable value of personal and real property in the county. Real property includes residential, commercial and agricultural land and buildings. Personal property includes aircrafts, cars, boats and recreational vehicles. In addition, the office works to assess the value of property, whether owned, leased or rented, that is used to operate a business, such as furniture, fixtures and equipment. The office is committed to professional service to the taxpayers of Duchesne County. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Stephen Foote
The office has the responsibility to appear and prosecute for the county and state in all criminal prosecutions, assist crime victims and protect victim rights, and advise and assist law enforcement. Further, the office is to appear and defend the county in all civil cases, advise county officials and boards, assist in developing and enforcing county policies, prepare county ordinances, assist in contract negotiations, represent the county and enforce compliance with the open and public meetings act.
Chelise Stewart

The Clerk-Auditor's Office is a combination of two statutory offices:
The County Clerk's Office responsibilities are to conduct fair, open and honest elections: to issue marriage licenses, issue business and kennel licenses, help with and prepare transmittal of passports. To prepare and retain commission minutes, agendas, resolutions, ordinances and contracts.
The County Auditor's responsibilities are to administer all financial functions; financial accounting such as purchasing, accounts payable, billing, budgeting and auditing.
Justice Court Judge
E. Jed Labrum
Justice Courts are established by counties and municipalities and have the authority to deal with class B and C misdemeanors, violations of ordinances and infractions committed within their territorial jurisdiction.The court also handles small claims cases arising in the area up to an amount of $10,000.
Shelley Brennan
The Duchesne County Recorder is an elected official whose office and duties are mandated by the Utah State Legislature and governed by state law. The main function of the office is to keep the real property (land) records for Duchesne County and provide the county assessor and county treasurer with information necessary for assessment and taxation.
Travis Tucker
Travis L. Tucker: Was elected to Sheriff in 2019 as the 15th Duchesne County Sheriff. Has been in law enforcement for over twenty-six years. He graduated from the Utah Peace Officers Standards and training in 1994 and was hired by the Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office in 1995. During his career he has held many positions ranging from correction deputy, detective, Lieutenant and the Undersheriff. He holds the position as Director for the UBtech Police Academy in Roosevelt educating new recruits for a career in law enforcement. Prevention, Community and Cooperation has been his leading guidelines through out his law enforcement career.
Ryan Allred
The Duchesne County Surveyor is an elected official who's office and duties are mandated by the State Legislature and governed by State Law. (Utah Code 17-23). The main functions of the County Surveyor are to advise the County Executive and County Legislative Body regarding all surveying work, perform or arrange for the performance of all surveying work for the County and to maintain a repository at County Government offices at the County Seat a fair and accurate record of all surveys made, all surveys received and all section corner files and records made or received. In addition the County Surveyor is responsible for the preservation of existing monumentation (Section Corners) of the Public Land Survey System.
Stephen Potter
Stephen Potter graduated from Duchesne High School in 1996 and from Brigham Young University-Idaho in 2003, earning a Bachelor's degree in Accounting with a minor in Business Management. From 2005 to 2014, Stephen served in various positions at Wells Fargo, most recently as manager, before his election as Duchesne County Treasurer.